I recently read an article summarizing research done with pre-diabetic people and times/amounts of food. Apparently, eating more calories earlier in the day results in greater fat loss. I figured I’d give it try.

I decided to eat leftover dinner for breakfast, with the intention of eating the usual oatmeal and blueberries for dinner.

The day did not go as planned.  I ended up with too many calories, but a TON of fiber by the end of the day. I would be concerned, except it’s only one day and besides, I am sooooo slammed at work the last thing on my mind is food, so whatever.

Here it is. It’s a hot mess, but I don’t care. LOL
Breakfast: Leftover mung bean stew with a couple huge handfuls of spinach cooked in for good measure (and greens- yeah!)

Lunch: The job I am working on is eating me alive. I am super hungry to the point where I almost don’t care. I scrounge in the fridge and forgot I had hummus. WIN! Hummus + GF crackers + mango-peach salsa. Nom. Back to work.

Dinner: That one pan green bean and tofu thing I made the night before was easy and delicious. I decide to make it again and use up the leftover tofu…..except…..the oven dies. Yes, seriously! It freaking died, as in the bottom element shattered. Crap-a-doodle.

I dumped the beans, tofu and seasonings into a large bowl and microwaved it, and hey, it actually worked. The beans weren’t crispy, but they were hot and seasoned.

Now I need to add “fix oven” to my list of things I don’t have time to do. Argh! I know I work too many hours, but its the nature of the job. I keep telling myself that I am grateful I have a job. I AM grateful, but soooooo tired.

Total fiber for the day: 35 grams