A couple thoughts before I get to what I ate today.

On one of the WFPB pages I follow, someone said they were in despair over their binge eating. Having struggled with an eating disorder, I can totally relate and oh, can feel the pain behind that plaintive post. That feeling of hopelessness, followed closely by anger and disgust at oneself. Yup. Been there and totally get it.

A few things helped me work around the obsessive thoughts and the overpowering feelings. These may not work for you, but if they help, then I figure it’s worth sharing.

The first and most important thing is to STOP beating up on yourself. I can vividly remember the horrible things I used to say about myself/to myself. I’m not exaggerating when I say I absolutely loathed my body and really….I plain hated myself. Failing at an eating plan is a classic set-up to pile on the fire, but guess what?

It doesn’t work. If hate worked to change people, then heck, the world would be without any problems!
Love is the ONLY thing that heals.

LOVE is what creates a safe place to grow and heal and make positive changes. I know that isn’t sexy or cool, but it’s the truth!

So STOP with the self-hate. Instead of telling myself I was a miserable a failure, I started looking for solutions. Binge eating is what happens when life goes sideways and I had zero tools to deal. Hey, ice cream is better than meth, right? (NO snarky comments, please!) And yeah, I ate a LOT of ice cream while I was learning new and healthier skills.

I’ll talk about what I do differently in another post, but for now, stop with the disparaging thoughts. We all get to make mistakes and we all get a chance to do better tomorrow. Treat yourself with loving kindness. Pretend you are your own best friend or the parent of a small vulnerable child and give yourself a break, a hug, a kind word.


What I ate yesterday with links to recipes (if I can find them!)

Breakfast: GF rolled oats with a tablespoon of flaxseeds and a cup of frozen blueberries. I eat the same thing nearly every day because I don’t want to have to make ANY decisions early in the morning. HA!

Lunch: A HUGE bowl of Texas Caviar. What’s that? basically a bean salad with chopped veggies (tomatoes, onions, red bell pepper, cilantro, lime juice and cumin)  Low in fat, and high in fiber and flavor.

Dinner: One Pan Mexican Quinoa- Holy cats, delish!

Snack: a handful of hazelnuts and a couple black olives, or this is what happens when I wait too long to eat!

Total fiber intake: 48 grams



A gratuitous photo of my breakfast. Imma telling you, it’s so good. No sugar needed. 🙂

GF Rolled Oats with Blueberries