Today’s entry of What I Ate Today is kinda boring, but work is eating up my life. Thank goodness the sun is shining and the birds are singing and I can work from home!

Breakfast: Gluten-free extra thick oatmeal with a heaping teaspoon of flaxseed, a dash of cinnamon and a cup of blueberries. I looooove this so much!

Lunch: When I met my son for lunch at Portland Fish Market, I got a small package of Dungeness crab before I went home. Lunch was a salad with that crab piled on top. Rather than layering the salad with a blue cheese dressing (which I love, but unfortunately can no longer digest), I saw a salad dressing recipe online and tried it. omgosh, so good! rice viengar + miso + ginger + cilantro + line juice + a tiny bit of maple syrup. NOM!

(Yes, I know crab is not vegan. I never said I was 100% anything, including vegan. You do you and I’ll do me. )

Dinner: Leftovers for the win! I ate the last of the leftover One Pan Mexican Quinoa dish, threw in some leftover baked carrots, and a huge pile of spinach.  Added a cup of steamed asparagus and…..2 dill pickles. Why? Not sure, except i was in the mood for sour and crunchy and sure, why not? LOL

Total fiber for the day: 37 grams

Today’s photo is brought to you by the Great Outdoors. I saw these deer on an inspection and they were looking at me like, “She looks harmless; keep eating.” Ha!