Category: VegetarianPage 5 of 5

A Plethora of Plenty!

Farmers’ Markets, CSA weekly deliveries, our own gardens gone berserk! Even Costco has monster-sized produce.  It is so easy to throw away food without even thinking.  I am…

Courge Musquee et Duxelles de Casserole

Heh. Doesn’t that sound fancy? Or loosely translated as Butternut Squash and Duxelles Casserole. Either way, it is AWESOME! I saw the recipe on the internet via Vegetarian…

Roasted Roots

Time for a Root Re-Boot! How many of you think of carrots as the ubiquitous “diet” carrot sticks or to “cooked to mush” carrots from out childhoods? What…

Mix & Dump Cherry Cake- Certified Mmmmm Tasty!

This recipe called itself a Cherry Cake but it is the weirdest recipe for a cake that I have EVER seen. The results however, are delish, as reported…

Surprising Healthy Food Find

Seen recently at my local Costco: Farro. What the heck is farro? Organic pearled farro imported from Italy, to be precise? The directions and recipes printed on the bag were simple and…

Winter Vegetable Gratin 2.0

This healthy and scrumptious recipe came to me via a dear friend who actually hates turnips. I’m not all that crazy about them myself, but they are delicious in…