I am so blessed to have a friend who has known me since we were both 14 years old. Her friendship is safe and kind and constant, and I am so grateful for her loving presence. Last weekend we got together for a long overdue breakfast. By the time we got to our third cup of coffee, the conversation turned to,”Did you ever think your life would have turned out like this?” Given that we are of a “certain age”, the outcomes we were referring to weren’t all positive, to put it mildly. Heck, I can could bore you with my long list of disappointments, relationship failures, missed opportunities. Of course it hasn’t ALL be bad. My adult kids are so awesome and I have a career where I am valued and respected. But, hoo boy, some of those seasons were harsh.
So here we are today, pressing into the end of middle age with no Great Achievements or Significant Contributions to Better Mankind, other than our respective modest accomplishments. Given the expectations placed upon us, and that we eagerly assumed, it was sobering to realize that we somehow let ourselves and everyone else down while we were simply busy surviving. For my part, it was kinda depressing, EXCEPT I remembered that we are all in the same boat and reality TV isn’t real at all and if I die without a Pulitzer/Nobel/Best Human being Award, it isn’t going to matter one whit if I failed my children and myself. So far, I think I’m about even with the rest of the pack. Ha!
Insert weird, but meaningful transition: She and I are in the Autumn of our lives, and today while I was walking my sweet little Papillon, I was noticing the GLORY that is Autumn. The colors were so beautiful, it grabbed me and shook me with its beauty. And then I realized that my friend and I are also in our Autumn Glory and splendid in our own fashion. And that, perhaps, our best days are just ahead.
Wishing for all of us happiness and gentle loving kindness. Your friend, Kathryn
Some photos from November 1st.