Tag: peacePage 2 of 2
“We hold a treasure, Not made of gold, In earthen vessels wealth untold. One treasure only The Lord, the Christ In earthen vessels.” This song brings me to…
Yesterday was Cleaning Frenzy Day. When I get into that weird space, equally weird thoughts start going through my brain. It’s almost as the act of cleaning my…
In my previous post I wrote about forgiveness, or rather, letting go of the pain when you have been wronged. Letting go is so counter to what we…
Do you cringe when you are advised to just forgive and forget? Does the whole concept make you want to choke? Does it seem incomprehensible that some people…
“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strong pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” Rumi I love this quote. It keeps me…
Growing up in a family that could teach the Lindsey Lohans of the world a thing or two about drama, I learned a valuable lesson: Trust Yourself First….
This site is dedicated to the idea that life should be full of JOY- every day- and not just in sad little snips that are quickly forgotten. Check back often for…