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In my previous post I wrote about forgiveness, or rather, letting go of the pain when you have been wronged. Letting go is so counter to what we…
Do you cringe when you are advised to just forgive and forget? Does the whole concept make you want to choke? Does it seem incomprehensible that some people…
I forget how much I owe to my education at Oregon State University’s now-defunct College of Home Economics. (Yes, I went there back when rocks were soft! lol)…
I have always maintained that if the name of a recipe is too difficult to pronounce, then it must also be too fussy to bother trying to cook….
I always thought I was a pretty healthy eater, that is until I started to write down what I ate each day. Heh. Turns out there was a…
This recipe is so yummy that maybe I should change the name of my blog to “Nom Nom Nom”! I found the idea for this recipe roaming around…
Remember ALL those key limes I got in the organic delivery box two weeks ago?The following recipe uses 1/4 cup of fresh key lime juice and was declared…
Bean soup just doesn’t get any respect. I have heard all the comments: Boring. Bland. Gassy. Vegetarian? Takes too long to cook and in this heat? Yeah, yeah….