Tag: vegan

What I Ate Today: May 8, 2018

I should call today’s food entry “Adventures in Weird Vegan Fake Food.” Feel free to start laughing now. I kept seeing aaaallllll these posts for FAKE mac ‘n’…

What I Ate Today: May 7, 2019

Hopefully today’s edition of What I Ate Today is going to give you hope and make you quit beating up on yourself! It is okay to be imperfect!…

What I Ate Today: May 6, 2018

Yesterday was the first full guilt-free day I have taken off from work in a full month. Yes, work has been *that* crazy. Or as one of my…

What I Ate Today: May 5, 2018

I woke up really early today because I had so many things I had to get done. By 11:30 am, I had been to NINE different places from…

What I Ate Today: May 2, 2018

Hey there! Day 3 with the weird eye thing and feeling much better. I can see little clear spots throughout the grey field, so here’s hoping it’s healing…

What I Ate Today: May 1, 2018

Nothing like a medical crisis to make me stay focused on eating healthy. UGH. I woke up the other morning with the vision in my left eye partially…

What I Ate Today: April 30, 2018

I made it through another month at work. As my friends will tell you, that can be an accomplishment all by itself. Why? I have a deadline-driven job…

April 19, 2018

I weighed myself this morning and am down another pound- 16.6 pounds so far! Don’t ask how many more to go; it’s too depressing. LOL What I ate…

April 18, 2018

A couple thoughts before I get to what I ate today. On one of the WFPB pages I follow, someone said they were in despair over their binge…

Curried Eggplant with Garbanzo Beans and Spinach

I absolutely freakin’ love Indian food. Unfortunately, I have not had a great amount of success in replicating the deliciousness found at my favorite Indian food restaurant. ….until…